Monday, June 14, 2010

Honoring a Fallen Banshee Pilot

I’ve had some negative reactions to the final stunt in last week’s video montage (Unusualer Stunts than Before), and I would like to apologize. 

A brave pilot indeed lost his life while I was setting up that stunt a few years back and, yes, I could have prevented his death. This sort of thing is bound to happen, but there is no justification for this and I won’t try to dodge responsibility.

I am contacting the pilot’s gamer-tag, fatc0bra, to formally apologize and invite them to say anything they need to in order to gain closure.  I am also contacting the enemy pilot who shot him down (the greatly feared Betty Skeddi) to let her know the incident is being brought to light and to ask her to join us in honoring fatc0bra.  I will put up any responses from them and welcome any posts they submit; they deserve to be heard.

Well known deadly pilot, Betty Skeddi:

I visited fatc0bra’s grave site and took some photos. I submit the image at the start of this post to commemorate this great pilot's efforts in the war, as well as his unknowing, involuntary contribution to

We salute you, fatc0bra. Many consider you one of the most spirited and ubiquitous pilots known to have braved the skies.

Below are some click-able images documenting fatc0bra's death as Betty Skeddi's plasma cannons from her Banshee carve his body right out of his aircraft (also a Banshee).  You can see me in the river setting up the fusion core for the stunt. 

After those, I have posted the original complaint from Jive Control that prompted this entire post.  While I find his comments on innocent animals and plants somewhat off topic, I can only admit his words about me are correct.   I offer my sincere apologies.

Complaint/comment from last week's post (Unusualer Stunts than Before): 
Jive said... 
"Mr. Groove Hunter, 
The final stunt in this video post just happens to photograph the death of a well loved and revered pilot, fatc0bra. He was shot down by the enemy pilot, Betty Skeddi. Many are glad you shot down this very feared enemy, but you could have killed her much sooner, rather than setting up your stupid stunt. 
You could have saved fatc0bra and his blood is on your hands. 
You had the anti-aircraft missile pod the whole time and Betty Skeddi was in range many times. You are as bad people who kill innocent animals and innocent plant life just to consume their flesh, when there are ALWAYS moral options available for sustenance.  
Out of respect for the family of fatc0bra, I demand you take down the video in this post."
You may visit Jive Control's site, "Moral Eating" at  
But be warned... it's not for everyone.

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